Father’s Day, Killer Tomatos, and the Incredible Hulk

Father’s Day

Sam made this for me in Pre-K last week. I wore it Sunday. It is a Tie-Pin made from a real nickel with a pin and clasp glued to the back. The card was made by a teacher but he did sign it.


Eva was up from 1 til 2 a.m. this morning. I have a vague recollection. Marisa went and slept in her bed for awhile. Before going to bed, she couldn’t find her “kiki”, the pink kitty cat that cousin Brittany/Aunt Paula got for her a year ago. She always sleeps with it except the week we forgot it when visiting Big Daddy and Grandmommy in PA. That was scary. Marisa felt guilty. Eva survived.

Today, we found Kiki in the oven of Eva’s play kitchen. I hope she wasn’t going all Sylvia Plath on us.


BigDonald’s, BK, and Attack of the Killer Tomatos

Today was Sam’s last day of pre-K for a couple of weeks and his substitute bus driver got lost and was 30 minutes late, and Sam also had his last swim class after lunch so it was a good day to eat lunch out. Last week we told the kids that they could choose a place to eat out this week. Of course, they wanted BigDonald’s (that’s what they call McDs). We chose the one without a playland, but it is across the street from the BK that has a playland. So, guess where we ate lunch.

I had the steakhouse burger with a (GASP!) tomato. Pray for me. I forgot about all the problems. Was okay but not a great burger. My top five still doesn’t and probably won’t include a fast food place.

My Top Five Burgers (I am not sure of the exact order yet)

  1. Jack Daniel’s Burger at TGI Fridays. (I shall repent and go forward Sunday)
  2. Bruschetta Burger at Applebee’s
  3. Cowboy Burger at Applebee’s
  4. Five Guys Burger and Fries
  5. Calvert City Drive-In


Swim Class

At Sam’s final swim class, parents were allowed to watch. He was a total goofball! I was a little embarassed but mostly amused. He bounced on one leg, hit a little girl on the head with his body board, cackled and wouldn’t do what the teacher said. He rarely did what he was supposed to be doing, and the one time he was actually trying and succeeding, he started yelling, “I did it, I did it!” Very mischievous. The instructor told us that he has followed instructions well during the other classes, and that the kids usually act up when the parents are there. Only thing, I didn’t notice any other kids acting so goofy.

You can see some fotos HERE.

The place where Sam went and may go back in the Fall is in Berkeley Heights and the are a couple of Olympic Medal winners who grew up training there.


Incredible Hulk

Better than I thought. I was at the aforementioned Calvert City Drive-In during a terrible storm with lightning to watch Ang Lee’s forgettable version. This was definitely better (not that that is anything to brag about). I was drawn into the characters. I kept thinking Liv Tyler was Jennifer Garner, though. Is that the same Liv from Lord of Rings and other stuff? Don’t get me wrong, she is still an attractive young lady, just looks real different that the girl from Armaggedon.

The special effects for fun. William Hurt and Ed Norton were good. Very “credible.” Some humorous poking-fun-at-self was great, such as Banner misspeaking in Portuguese and telling a guy, “don’t make me hungry, you wouldn’t like me when I am hungry” plus the Lou Ferrigno cameo.


Time has listed their Top 50 Websites. I haven’t finished the list but some interesting stuff so far.


I got a paper cut on my top lip while licking envelopes today, working on sending out the bulletin to the absent. I know the Apostle Paul suffered a lot for the Kingdom, but….man, paper cuts HURT!!