Only 44 days til…

…President’s Day!!! Can you believe it? Start decorating now. You can use money to decorate. Go shopping soon!

I was thrilled that so many people are interested in Daily Bible Reading. I have had lots of hits lately from people who did a search on the topic. That is encouraging. Someone even searched for “church of Christ 2008 reading schedule.” I guess they assumed it would be more accurate or more Biblical.

For the New Year, I plan to exercise more to lose a pound or two and be healthier. I bought tennis shoes with Christmas money and along with my MP3 player, I feel ready. I walked the track at our park last Saturday–fast pace for thirty minutes. Yesterday, I went up and down the stairs in the church building for about 15 minutes. I am trying to cut down on sugar. I eat pretty good overall, just too much and a little too much fat and sugar. Feel free to hold me accountable and ask if I have exercised occasionally.

Also, I am trying to grow a beard….


My wife thought the other foto with the flash looked better, but I thought the one without the flash made it look like I have more hair.

and…….. hoping to start a new trend, here is my workspace, where I usually sit while commenting on your blogs and writing mine….


7 thoughts on “Only 44 days til…

  1. “Nice Beard” is an oxymoron when it comes to me growing one. I can’t seem to get it to grow in on the sides. I’ll stick with the goat on the chin for a while just because Lea says she likes it!

  2. Trey has a goat on his chin? I was going to comment on all those cords too – what a mess! (Ours are too, they’re just covered up, and I can’t remember the last time I posted a picture of them on my blog for all to see.)

    I like President’s Day – it was my childhood best friend’s birthday and now it’s my son’s.

    I’m trying something new with Bible reading this year – getting the daily reading through email. We’ll see how that goes. I also started doing what Neva mentioned about dividing the NT into 10 chapters to read a day so you read the whole thing through each month. So far, both have gone well.

  3. Brian

    i have thought about trying to read the whole bible through once and the NT a couple more times each year but haven’t.

    another great idea, is to read one book every day for a month. it really gets in you that way

  4. Cool beard! :-). I can’t wait til president. Did you know if you read 6 chapters of the Bible every day you can read the entire Bilbe in a year. Just a bit of advice.
    Paula you should see my grandmothers beard. 🙂

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